Crafting Strong Body Paragraphs for Ethics Essays

Writing ethics essays is an integral part of nursing education. The body paragraphs require thoughtful analysis of a healthcare dilemma and evaluation of ethical responses. This expanded article provides more comprehensive tips and examples to help nursing students write persuasive body paragraphs for their ethics essays.

Introducing the First Body Paragraph

The introductory paragraph in the essay body should provide relevant background to introduce the ethical dilemma or scenario under discussion. Creating strong body paragraphs in an ethics essay is key to supporting your thesis statement and developing your argument. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to craft these paragraphs effectively:

  • Include the setting details needed to establish context. Provide characters’ roles and ages.
  • Objectively present the central ethical conflict or tension without revealing your position.
  • Use vivid details to help the reader relate to the situation and characters.
  • Close the paragraph by re-stating the core ethical issue to be resolved.

Here are some examples;

Example first paragraph:

David Smith, a lively 4-year-old boy with severe asthma, has been admitted to the pediatric unit after another acute asthma attack. I am David’s nurse for the night shift. His mother, Clara, is by his side, as she always is when David is hospitalized. Clara appears loving and attentive tonight, helping David eat his dinner and singing him to sleep. However, I recently learned from other nurses that Clara frequently fails to give David his daily preventive asthma medications when at home. David is hospitalized every few months after asthma flare-ups that could have been avoided with proper care. I face a dilemma regarding whether to report Clara’s negligent behavior to Child Protective Services without her knowledge.

Analyzing Duties and Stakeholder Perspectives

The next 1-2 body paragraphs should impartially examine the perspective of each stakeholder, including the nurse’s duties. Consider:

  • Professional nursing obligations to patients, the public, and employers
  • Legal and ethical codes relevant to the situation
  • The patient’s preferences, rights, and cultural values
  • Other stakeholders’ potential concerns and motivations
  • How upholding various ethical principles may lead to conflicting responsibilities

Example analysis paragraph:

As David’s nurse, I have a legal duty to report reasonable suspicions of child neglect to authorities. The Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements exhorts me to “protect the health, safety and rights” of vulnerable patients like David. However, the Code also requires me to maintain patient confidentiality. Clara has the right to make healthcare decisions for her son without undue interference. She seems attentive, so perhaps I have misunderstood the situation and falsely accused her. Reporting suspicions without consent violates Clara’s privacy. Yet, failing to notify CPS perpetuates the risk of David suffering harm from not getting his asthma medications. I feel conflicted between protecting this vulnerable child and respecting his mother’s rights.

Evaluating Potential Actions Using Ethical Frameworks

In the next 1-2 body paragraphs, evaluate possible approaches to the dilemma through the lens of ethical frameworks like deontology, utilitarianism, and care ethics.

  • Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each option from multiple ethical perspectives.
  • Cite principles and values that support or raise concerns about each approach.

Example analysis of options paragraph:

From a utilitarian perspective, I should choose whichever option produces the greatest good for the most people. Reporting Clara to CPS could lead to David’s improved care under the threat of losing custody. However, this risks destroying Clara’s trust and separating her from David against their will. A deontological approach compels me to uphold my duty to David regardless of the outcome. Yet, I also must respect Clara’s privacy. Through the lens of care ethics, perhaps the most ethical option is to discuss my concerns with Clara when David is openly stable. I can offer my help getting David’s medications set up for home. This empowers Clara’s role as mother while gently intervening to keep David safe.

Selecting and Justifying the Best Course of Action

Conclude by choosing the most ethical approach in your view. Justify using ethical reasoning concepts covered throughout the essay.

Example of  conclusion paragraph:

After carefully considering this issue from multiple ethical perspectives, I believe the nurse should discuss concerns openly with Clara before reporting to CPS. This aligns with care ethics principles of mutual empowerment. I will seek Clara’s consent to partner with her on a safety plan for David’s care when he is discharged. If she remains defensive or noncompliant, my ultimate duty is to protect David’s health. I will notify CPS as a last resort. Though difficult, promoting open communication honors my roles as both David’s advocate and Clara’s respectful partner in care.

Concluding Body Paragraphs for Ethics Essays

Concluding an ethics essay body paragraph requires summarizing the key points discussed and demonstrating how they support your thesis statement. Here’s a guide to effectively conclude these paragraphs:

Summarize the Main Point: Start by succinctly restating the main point of the paragraph. This reminds the reader of the argument you’ve been making and its relevance to the essay’s central thesis.

Synthesize the Evidence: Briefly recap how the evidence presented supports your argument. This is where you tie together the ethical theories, data, or case studies you’ve discussed with the argument you’re making.

Address the Significance: Discuss the importance of the argument within the context of the overall ethical issue. This could involve highlighting the implications of the argument for real-world ethical practice or decision-making.

Connect to the Thesis: Make a clear connection back to your thesis statement, emphasizing how this paragraph helps to further your overall argument. This reaffirms the coherence of your essay and strengthens the reader’s understanding of your thesis.

Transition to Next Paragraph: End with a transition that smoothly leads the reader to the next point. The transition could be a question, a statement, or a hint at what is coming, ensuring a logical flow and maintaining the reader’s engagement.

Final Thoughts On Ethics Nursing Essay Body paragraphs

Strong body paragraphs are key to demonstrating applied ethical reasoning on nursing essays. Evaluating realistic dilemmas helps prepare students for ethical challenges of modern healthcare. Through thoughtful analysis, nurses develop skills to improve patient outcomes and elevate moral practice.

Unravel the complexities of nursing ethics within your essay’s body paragraphs. Our expert essay writing service is primed to help you construct insightful and impactful discussions, each paragraph delving into different facets of ethical dilemmas, principles, and perspectives.